Provisions for Preparatory Meeting and BIMSTEC-DMEx 2020
The two events viz preparatory meeting and 2ND BIMSTEC DM exercise will be funded by the Government of India as per the following details :-
• Preparatory Meeting
• Boarding & Lodging arrangement for 03 representatives from each member country for 03 nights and 04 days.
• Travel by economy class airfare by shortest route
• Local transport including airport pickup and drop will be provided to the representatives.
• No other allowances will be paid
• 2ND BIMSTEC Disaster Management Exercise
• Boarding & Lodging arrangement for 16 representatives from each member country for 04 nights and 05 days.
• Travel by economy class airfare by shortest route
• Local transport including airport pickup and drop will be provided to the representatives.
• No other allowances will be paid
c) BIMSTEC Expert Group Meeting on Disaster Management:
• Boarding & Lodging arrangement for 02 delegates from each member country for 02 nights and 03 days. In case of additional delegates, the cost towards the boarding and lodging will be required to be met by the respective Member State
• Local transport including airport pickup and drop will be provided to the delegates
• No other allowances will be paid